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This is how the saboteur assessment looks like


1. Take The Saboteur Assessment

Saboteurs are the voices in your head that generate stress and negative emotions in the way you handle work and life’s challenges. They sabotage your potential for both happiness and performance. The Saboteur Assessment is your first step to conquering your Saboteurs — identifying them to expose their lies and limiting beliefs

2. Schedule Saboteur Discovery Call

Saboteur discovery session

Revisa nuestra disponibilidad y reserva la fecha y hora que más te convengan

What’s Included In A Discovery Call?

At the designated time, you’ll have an opportunity to share what you’ve discovered from the results of your Saboteur Assessment. The coach can help you go deeper in this discovery process. You’ll learn more about where these Saboteurs show up in precisely the wrong moments in your life and prevent you from having what you truly want. By the conclusion of this session, you’ll have clarity on how your Saboteurs stop you and what you can do to prevent this from happening.

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